Thursday, 3 October 2013

Introducing The Crusader

As a Middle Templar, I once thought I would follow the routes taken by the Crusades but not on a horse - on my trusty old ladies racing bike. I planned to investigate all the routes the crusaders took and choose the one that looked most interesting. I thought it would be fun (if maybe a little dangerous) but I was very serious about doing it.  Please be assured, I am not condoning warmongering or religious strife in any way; just interested in history and travel.  Sadly, I never got round to it. Time just seems to tick on by and some things just get put on hold.

Nevertheless, I'm still a Middle Templar and I'm still a crusader but now I'm crusading for justice. I'm going to be talking about how you can get what's due. If you've been stitched up, sold a pup, right royally screwed - then watch this space and we'll see if the Justice Crusader can help you get some redress.

Crusader - Helping you get what's due

Tina Morgan

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